Bone Broth Hot Chocolate Recipe for Acne-Free Skin

It’s getting chilly outside and I want nothing more than to snuggle up on the coach with a cozy blanket and a nice cup of hot chocolate. Hot chocolate is one of my favorite drinks to enjoy in the winter and when incorporating cocoa and bone broth, it makes hot chocolate an amazing superfood for healing.

In this blog post, I’m going to be going over why bone broth hot chocolate can be so healing and giving you my favorite bone broth hot chocolate recipe. I hope you enjoy!

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holistic acne support

The Healing Power of Bone Broth

natural skin healing

Bone broth can be very healing when it comes to the gut and that’s mainly due to one specific nutrient, glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid that helps support your gut lining and is the most abundant amino acid in the body. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is one of the largest utilizers of glutamine, the main fuel source for the cells of the gut lining.

I often use glutamine to help my patients through their gut healing protocols because of it’s benefit to helping heal leaky gut. Glutamine prevents permeability of the gut lining, making sure whatever is in your digestive tract doesn’t pass through into the body. Basically, it helps keep those tight junctions in tact (see picture).

There is a mucosal lining that lines the digestive tract and glutamine helps to make sure this stays in tact. This mucosal lining is a protective barrier to help keep the bacteria from your gut flora separate from the cells of the gut lining.

Glutamine is also used by the liver and to help boost the immune system.

Another amino acid found in bone broth is glycine which is great at helping to support sleep and relaxation. This bone broth hot chocolate is a great drink to enjoy while you’re winding down at night.

Bone broth is also a great source of protein and collagen. The collagen is great for your hair, skin, and nails helping you to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and may be helpful at reducing some acne scarring. The minerals found in bone broth, calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium, make it a great way to boost hydration.

Health Benefits of Chocolate

Chocolate is derived from the cocoa bean and many don’t realize, but cocoa is a superfood great for supporting the body. In our hot chocolate recipe, we’ll be using chocolate in the form of cocoa powder. Cocoa contains components called flavonoids, particularly proanthocyanidins.

Proanthocyanidins are responsible for giving plants and herbs the bluish, red, and purple colors and are found in many plants like grapes, berries, and apples. This compound is known for it’s antioxidant ability and help with reducing inflammation. The antioxidant ability helps to repair and prevent damage in the body. Cocoa also helps to increase blood flow, helping to improve the removal of waste and toxins in the body, making it a great addition to an acne healing journey.

Cocoa powder is rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese which are all vital to your health and skin.

Bone Broth Hot Chocolate

Now I know what you’re thinking: “bone broth in hot chocolate? That’s got to taste weird!” I thought the same thing, but you actually can’t taste the bone broth at all if you flavor the hot chocolate right.


  • 1/2 cup of Bone Broth (Kettle & Fire, Bonafide, Bare & Bones, Pacific)

  • 1/2 cup of Organic Valley milk

  • 2tbs of cocoa powder

  • 1tbs of maple syrup or honey

  • A splash of heavy cream

  • A dash of cinnamon

  • A pinch of salt


  1. In a small sauce pan, add in the equal parts bone broth and milk on medium heat.

  2. Warm up the liquid, once steaming and hot, add in the spices and heavy cream. Mix until thoroughly combined.

  3. Pour into a mug and enjoy!

I would love to know what you thought of this recipe if you gave it a try, send me a DM on IG and let me know!

Talk soon,

xx Dr. Alyssa

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